Whatever brings your child to Keystone, our sole focus is student success. Keystone students learn at a distance, but the support is always within reach. QLU Virtual Academy tutors, learning couches and counselors are available physically at QLU Virtual Academy Learning Center or by a phone call or a video conference.

All of our courses are taught and supported by certified teachers who are specially trained to teach in an online environment. From the time students enroll in the Keystone program, parents and students can access teachers, counselors, the administrative staff, and other students. We are always just an email or phone call away.

Experienced Leader in Education

The Keystone School is fully accredited and backed by nearly 40 years of experience. Since the first program was introduced in 1974, we have been recognized as an innovator in distance learning and homeschool programs. Families in 50 states and more than 75 countries have chosen Keystone to help prepare their students for a successful future. From Georgia to Alaska and from Korea to Mexico, we’ve enriched the lives of over 170,000 of students.

Contact our learning coaches directly

Lucía León

LucÍa León
Learning Coach

Laura Villarreal
Learning Center Coordinator

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Serving Varying Needs for Students and Families

Our program serves students from different backgrounds with varying goals.

  • Athletes and performers
  • Homebound students
  • Advanced students who seek challenges not available at their local schools
  • Homeschoolers
  • College-bound students
  • Career-bound students
  • Students with families that travel
  • Students struggling academically or socially in a traditional school environment
  • Credit Recovery students who need to get back on track
  • Students who want to get ahead or catch up
  • Students who live in remote locations
  • Students who cannot attend classes in a fixed regular schedule

One-on-One Teacher Support

Enrolled Keystone students receive support from our licensed and certified teacher who will work with them to set educational goals and monitor their progress. More than half of our teachers on staff hold masters or doctoral degrees.

QLU Virtual Academy Tutors, Learning Coaches and Counselors will provide one-on-one guidance, monitoring and support to our students to make sure all students have a learning plan and schedule, understand their responsibilities, commit to invest the needed study hours, comply by doing the required reading, activities and assignments programmed at the Learning Management System and will provide personalized support with academic guidance and feedback, review of projects and papers before submission, and will be available to answer subject matter questions and inquiries. Students do not get this type of personalized assistance in other online or in brick and mortar schools.

Have questions or want more information call (507) 264-0777

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