When a student meets Keystone graduation requirements, he or she is awarded a high school diploma from The Keystone School. This diploma is the same as one received from any public or private high school in the United States.

To receive a Keystone High School Diploma, students must:

  • earn a total of 22 credits or more between grades 9-12
  • take at least five credits with Keystone, one credit each in the areas of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, and one additional credit of choice, elective or core.

Though the minimum diploma requirement is 22 credits, we encourage students to develop a four-year learning plan and take courses that will provide them the best foundation for college or career, even if that means earning more than 22 credits. College bound students are encouraged to take at least two credits of the same world language as part of their electives.

Get more specific details about Keystone’s by calling, emailing or visiting one of our Academic Counselors.

* Families are responsible for making sure they are complying with Homeschool requirements. Keystone is NOT responsible to notify or make families aware of homeschool state rules/regulations. Students interested in enrolling in Keystone should register with their state’s Department of Education as a homeschooled student and follow any rules/regulations that apply.

Please note that The Keystone School is not able to accept enrollments from students located in the following countries: Bahrain, Crimea Region, Cuba, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, North Korea, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and member countries of the EU.

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